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Jane Evans
Jul 10, 20242 min read
Wet-felting in a nutshell
Wet Felting is a process that involves a loose pile of wool fibres, the addition of soapy water, massaging the fibres until they hold...
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Jane Evans
Mar 9, 20244 min read
Do you have a question?
What is felt? Felt is a fabric made from wool by using friction, moisture and heat, without the use of stitching, sticking or weaving....
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Jane Evans
Dec 31, 20233 min read
Why I love wool and especially Merino
It's the New Year and I thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you what is so special about wool and merino in particular. I love to...
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Jane Evans
Jul 14, 20233 min read
What is Art?
Art may be a small word but the answer is huge With the Tywi Valley Arts Trail approaching I thought it would be interesting to share...
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Jane Evans
Jun 6, 20232 min read
The wonder of wool
Wool may not spring to your mind as being a 'force' of nature, but I'd like to put forward such a case as it's 'full of energy,...
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Jane Evans
Jan 9, 20232 min read
Let's Play!
Yes, it is ok for adults to play. Playing isn’t just for children – or are we all just children at heart? Playing is a means of relieving...
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Jane Evans
Dec 16, 20222 min read
Best way to survive the winter blues
Take a leaf out of Norwegian philisophy.... Kari Leibowitz, a health psychologist describes this time of year as the "winter doldrums." I...
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Jane Evans
Sep 7, 20223 min read
On the silk Road......
A number of years ago I travelled to India in search of vintage silk supplies from which to make nuno felted wraps and throws. I not only...
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Jane Evans
May 28, 20222 min read
Let's talk 'Nuno'!
It doesn’t sound very English - so what does ‘nuno’ mean and what has it to do with wet felting? Developed in the early 90s by Polly...
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Jane Evans
Mar 12, 20222 min read
Benefits of Wet-felting to relieve stress and have fun.
It’s a mad mad world in which we’re living. Wet-felt making and other crafts, involve detailed working at a methodical pace, which is...
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Jane Evans
Oct 26, 20212 min read
What we have learnt
It seems a while since I restarted workshops from my riverside studio in mid-Wales. It’s been absolutely great to welcome people back...
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Jane Evans
Sep 27, 20212 min read
Shibori in Feltmaking
How can the Japanese art of shibori be used to create fabulous shapes in wet-felting? In its simplest sense, shibori is a method of...
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Jane Evans
Aug 11, 20212 min read
Blue is the colour
When I want some time off from the magic of felt-making I look to magic of a different kind – Cyanotypes. A cyanotype is an image created...
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Jane Evans
Jul 4, 20213 min read
History of Felt-making
We may think that felt-making is a ‘new’ craft when we look at the array of beautiful felt art, wearable nuno-felted clothing, felt...
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Jane Evans
Jun 16, 20213 min read
Keep Creating
It’s been a long year (and a bit)! The pandemic kept us all indoor for months on end and the freedom we had before Christmas 2020 was all...
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Jane Evans
May 6, 20212 min read
Despite being May 6th – “May the fourth be with you”!
What a strange month we’ve just encountered – so sunny, but the coldest and driest April for donkey’s years! And now, as we enter May we...
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Jane Evans
Apr 5, 20212 min read
Easter at Fabulous Feltings
I know I say this a lot and perhaps it’s a sign of getting older, but the time is flying by! Who would have thought, a year ago, that...
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Jane Evans
Feb 24, 20212 min read
Spring is on its way
Where has the time gone?! These last two months have flown by and the more astute amongst you will know that I didn’t even find the time...
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Jane Evans
Jan 3, 20212 min read
A Very New Year
As the saying goes – “Only take the good things forward”. I’m delighted to announce therefore that I shall commence online ‘back to...
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Jane Evans
Dec 8, 20202 min read
What a year!
This time last year I was looking forward to a family Christmas at home and in the final planning stages of a trip to India which I had...
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