Are you getting used to the restrictions and new ways of working or screaming with frustration and yearning to return to the ‘old’ norm? Whilst lockdown begins to lift in England, we in Wales still cannot visit public places or travel more than 5 miles to see family and friends. The weather has been glorious, which has helped while we queue at supermarkets but I’m beginning to tire already at watering my pot plants this early on in the season!
Everything now seems to be on-line and I do fear for people not willing to embrace new technology. With shops shut and my workshops cancelled for the foreseeable future I’m looking at, and using whatever on-line opportunities there are. Age is no barrier – one of my most supportive ‘zoom’ participants is over 90 – and her wit and wisdom is welcomed and loved by all.

Today I will be giving my 9th wet-felting session via ‘zoom’ and over the past few weeks we have covered cob-web felting, working with resists, pre-felt and more nuno felting. At this time of writing I should be in Japan so today’s session will have a ‘Japanese’ flavour – shibori techniques. Shibori is the Japanese art (and sometimes ritual) of tie-dying. We won’t be doing any dying, but instead, using knotting and tying to create amazing forms and textures as seen in the photo above.
You will know that I take part in the annual TVOS arts trail in July. This year’s ‘physical’ trail has been cancelled due to Covid-19 but we hope to make the trail ‘virtual’ by adding videos of our studios on-line via the TVOS website. Although not quite the same as seeing you in person it may mean that more of you can ‘attend’ at your leisure – peruse my studio and maybe see something you’d like to purchase. More details next month!
I’m also very excited to be part of ‘Studio Cennen’ – a soon to be opened online gallery where you will find amazing artworks from very talented artists and makers. Please do have a look – www.studiocennen.com

I hope it’s not too long before we can all travel freely once more – and with the prospect of foreign travel being curtailed for much of this year, please make Wales your destination of choice for a few days – we have amazing mountains, rivers, picturesque villages and delicious food – and that’s just here in the Upper Tywi Valley!
Keep yourself safe and I hope to see you soon – preferably in person, but virtually if not!